Leave a Legacy
Creating a plan is an important step in your life journey. This is your opportunity to decide how you will benefit your family, friends and charitable organizations after your lifetime. Including a gift in your documents, often called a bequest, is a great way to support the future of local cancer care without giving away any of your assets today. A bequest is a gift that can be changed at any time, if your circumstances change.
A bequest may be made through a will or through a living trust. Estate gifts to the Cancer Foundation have been transforming the quality of cancer care on the central coast since our founding in 1949. Cutting-edge technology, life-saving research, supporting the cost of treatment for patients in need—even the land beneath the new Cancer Center—all of these have been supported tremendously by legacy gifts to the Cancer Foundation. We invite you to discuss how you can leave a meaningful legacy for the people and organizations in your life. Contact Lori Willis, Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara, at (805) 898-2187 or
Looking for more in-depth information on planned giving and bequests or ready to get started?

Estate gifts to the Cancer Foundation have been transforming the quality of cancer care on the central coast since our founding in 1949
The Stepanek Legacy Society
The Elaine and Edward Stepanek Society recognizes and honors donors who have included the Cancer Foundation in their estate plans through planned gifts. Membership is conferred upon those who have communicated to the Foundation their intention to make a gift through their will, living trust or other planned agreement to support the Ridley-Tree Cancer Center.

Stepanek Legacy Society Members
Thank you for donating to the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara and becoming a member of the Stepanek Legacy Society.

Peter & Rebecca Adams
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Allaway*
Christina Allison*
Mrs. Karine Anderson
Anonymous (6)
Denny & Bitsy Bacon
Ms. Jeano Bailard*
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bailey*
Robert W. Barker*
Mr.* & Mrs. Eugene C. Baum
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Baum*
Carolyn M. Bedard*
Betsy Bertero*
Jack & Marguerite Bianchi
Mr. D. Craig Bigelow*
Mr. Joe Bleckel*
Hugh & Kelly Boss
Joanne & Bob Bouslough
Barbara L. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Brown*
Ms. Helen J. Brown*
Barbara Burket & Bob Hodges*
Mr. Karl & Dr. Katherine Burrelsman
Les & Zora Charles
Robert & Janice Contons
Greg R. Corso
Mr. John L. Courtois*
Mr. Lloyd E. Cox, Jr.*
Linda Crabtree-Reed
Tom & Nancy Crawford
Mr. Michael Daly
Ms. Jeanine Daniel & Mr. William Ohriok
Mr. Wallace T. Drew*
Ms. Jan Everote
Janice Bahler Fitzgibbons
Mr. Dennis E. Forster & Ms. Cynder Sinclair
Joanne S. Freeman
Richard E. Freeman*
Caroline S. Gadsby*
Catherine H. Gainey*
Mario M. Gonzales*
Mr.* & Mrs. George C. Goranson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Green
Anna & David Grotenhuis
Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Grubb
Mr. & Mrs. John Haigh*
Marion Hallum*
Ms. Lorraine S. Hansen*
Ms. Eva P. Harris*
Mr. Byron Haskin*
Vicki & Bob Hazard
Sandra Helps*
Ms. Yvonne Baker Heltman*
Diane Honacker*
Grethe* & Henning Jensen
Kenneth & Frances Jewesson
Mr. Alvah M. Kaime*
Mr. & Mrs.* Herbert Kendall
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kickliter
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Kimsey
Henry & Heidi Kirkwood
Mrs. Gregorio Kogan*
Mr. Otto Korntheuer*
Ms. Mary Ann Kriebel*
Shirley & Seymour Lehrer
Chris & Mark Levine
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Lewis*
Mr.* & Mrs. Jim Lindsey
Julie Lopp
Noel Lucky
Barbara S. & Robert Stanley MacLean*
Mrs. Fatemah Marshall
Mrs. Kathleen Mayes*
Patricia A. McCormack
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Merovick
Mrs. Jane Merovick*
Janet Millar
Dennis & Soledad* Morelos
Jean M. Nell*
Margaret F. Nelson*
Gary & Anna Nett
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Noh*
Mr. Austin H. Peck, Jr.*
Nancy Ann Peschek*
Barbara Pieters
Mr. Mickey M. Plaut
Cherry Post*
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Rich*
Ms. Penny Ridgeway*
Lord Paul & Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree*
John & Janeanne Rinaldi
Mr. Timothy K. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. William Samson*
Rodney Sangster & Rebecca Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Sattler*
Richard & Maryan Schall*
Kathleen D. Schepanovich
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Scott
Ms. Helene R. Segal & Mr. George Konstantinow
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Simeth*
Judge & Mrs. C. Douglas Smith*
David* & Carolyn Spainhour
Mack & Judy Stanton*
Ms. Judith M. Stauffer
Delores Ann Sternot*
Charles & Patricia Stevens*
Mr. Charles Storke*
The Strand Family*
Sue & Scott Suttner
Susan Taylor
Mrs. Gerald S. Thede
Dr. & Mrs. H.T. Thoreson
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Tilton
Susana Lee Udden
Jean & Davis H.* Von Wittenburg
Ms. Jennifer Wells
Frank* & Parm Williams
Mr. Otis Williams*
Ms. Marie A. Wolford*