Patient Stories > Nikki Studt

Nikki Studt
Ridley-Tree Cancer Center
Nikki Studt interviewed four oncologists to address her stage 4 colon cancer before selecting Dr. Gupta at Ridley-Tree Cancer Center, in part drawn by the facility’s highly qualified and comprehensive network of care.
Within that network is Channel Acupuncture, owned by Matt Pesendian, a licensed acupuncturist and traditional medicine practitioner, who offers oncology acupuncture to RTCC patients as a complementary healing modality, thanks to funding by the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara. The Foundation absorbs costs for two months, helping patients manage potential side effects of cancer treatments, including pain, neuropathy, nausea, fatigue and anxiety.
“The acupuncture was instrumental in helping me with neuropathy, bone pain and nausea,” said Nikki. “Matt is knowledgeable in many areas of Chinese medicine, integrating modalities that also helped with breathing, meditation and strengthening the immune system. The acupuncture gave me permission and space to be still, listen to my body and heal.”
“This is such an incredible benefit funded by the Cancer Foundation — to offer patients the opportunity to try something that can alleviate distressing side effects, while granting the time to focus inward and be selfish in the best way possible.”