Our People
Board of Trustees
The volunteer Board of Trustees of the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara is focused exclusively on fulfilling the Foundation’s mission: to ensure superior cancer care for all residents of Santa Barbara County.

Leslie Bains

Kristen Blabey

W. Charles Conway,

Larry Dam

Arick Fuller

Lisa Guadagno

Raye Haskell-Melville

Priscilla Higgins, PhD

Patty MacFarlane

Steve McHugh

Denise Montell, PhD

Richard Nagler

Carola Nicholson

Richard Nordlund

W. Warren Suh, MD,

George Tharakan

Rick Weber

Katina Zaninovich
Emeritus Trustees
Brier Turpin Allebrand
Brent Anderson
Denny Bacon
Philip L. Bernstein
Edward Birch, PhD
Sue Birch
Hugh M. Boss
David Bradford, MD
Les Charles
Andy Chou
C. Michael Cooney
Beverlye Hyman Fead
Frank H. Foster
Vicki Hazard
Priscilla Higgins, PhD
James H. Jackson
Morrie Jurkowitz
Fred Kass, MD
William Kimsey
Ronald Latimer, MD
​William Meeker
Tim Metzinger
Gene I. Miller
Val Montgomery
Robert W. Olson, MD
Charlie D. Petersen
Joel Rothman, PhD
Kimberly Schizas
Janet Smith
Tom Weisenburger, MD, FACR
Our Staff
The Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara staff are dedicated to making our mission a reality. They may be reached with questions on donations, events, sponsors, and more.

Lori Willis
Executive Director

Stephanie Carlyle
Director of Philanthropy and Administration

Hannah Karlsrud
Communications Associate

Moon Waters
Philanthropy Assistant